
Download the new version for apple CINEMA 4D Studio R26.107 / 2023.2.2
Download the new version for apple CINEMA 4D Studio R26.107 / 2023.2.2

download the new version for apple CINEMA 4D Studio R26.107 / 2023.2.2

This new way of working will take a bit of getting used to for those familiar with the Bullet Physics-based system but will be easily adopted by new users who know nothing different. With the 2023 version, this unified approach has been extended to soft bodies and brings the required consistency across simulation types. With the removal of the perpetual licence, Maxon has put its stake firmly in the ground. As an artist, I have always favoured perpetual licences because I don’t like the idea of being tied in financially, but would prefer to pay extra for a licence that isn’t going to run out. Since subscription licences hit the scene there has been a hot debate as to whether or not they are better than perpetual licences. With this change of numbering, Maxon has also removed perpetual licences, leaving only subscription options. Knowing that an update would be released annually, around the same time each year, enabled me to plan ahead and control upgrades in a studio context.

download the new version for apple CINEMA 4D Studio R26.107 / 2023.2.2 download the new version for apple CINEMA 4D Studio R26.107 / 2023.2.2

I remember liking this approach when Autodesk adopted it. With this release of Cinema 4D, already one of the best 3D modelling software options on the market, Maxon has decided to adopt an annual numbering with each yearly named release coming out the year prior to its number. Before diving into these new features, existing users will recognise a change to the version naming convention.

Download the new version for apple CINEMA 4D Studio R26.107 / 2023.2.2