
Hearthstone battleground addons
Hearthstone battleground addons

hearthstone battleground addons

Make a folder on your desktop called *My AddOns.IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, THAN YOU CAN SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ADDONS PROVIDED, IF NOT, THAN PLEASE READ THE POST FIRST!! Back when I was serious about earning dust/gold, I would have been all over that for the dust/gold potential, but I never much enjoyed the Arena game play.Else // Load Rest of YUI remotely (where possible)

hearthstone battleground addons

The "pass" comes with 4 arena passes - I wonder if they will ever get used. I am happy they made Battlegrounds, and I imagine when August comes I'll have 2500 gold saved up to buy the "pass" with gold next time. I have been largely free to play in Hearthstone, but Standard no longer interests me and these last 2 expansions have diverged a bit much for my tastes from the Witchwood/Boomsday/KOFT/Kobolds era. Like giving each other the "thumbs up" when we are the only 2 left as in "Good luck!" īut ironically, what really seems to matter the most is being able to emote back to these various rivals. So ironically, yeah the 4 heros thing matters quite a bit. I'm in the 7K MMR range and tend to fairly often see opponents I have faced before and most of these guys have the pass. I also considering waiting until I accumulated 2500 gold, but that would probably be weeks away. I hesistated in buying the Perks because the 2 hero selection was still fun and I learned to gut out wins with lesser heros like Lich Bazhial, Illidian Stormrage and such. "Perks" (aka the pass) Definitely Worth It.Mysteries of the Phoenix: Druid and Hunter Mysteries of the Phoenix: Warrior and Rogue Duels Advanced Guide - With Deck Lists and Treasure Tiersĭuels: Practical Guide to go Infinite in HC Duels

Hearthstone battleground addons