
What is a tor bridge
What is a tor bridge

what is a tor bridge

When a Tor client starts up, it needs a way to fetch a list of all the entry, middle, and exit relays available. As a reminder, if you have bandwidth to spare, consider setting up a Tor relay! The Problem With Relays Relays are created by volunteers by simply configuring the Tor software to act as a relay. Exit Relays - Send the traffic out of the Tor network to the original destination.Middle Relays - Send traffic from an entry relay to an exit relay.Entry/Guard Relays - Entry points into the Tor network.You’ll recall that there were three types of relays: In the last post, we introduced relays as systems designed to move traffic in the Tor network. In this post, we’ll dive a bit deeper, taking a look at a potential issue with relays in order to introduce a new concept: bridges. Welcome back to my series on how Tor works! In the last post, we took a look at how Tor operates from a very high level. ☰ Menu How Tor Works: Part Two - Relays vs.

What is a tor bridge